

Some of the types of species you will be able to catch aboard The Fish Monger
dfhsd6.jpgFluke (Summer Flounder) : start moving towards Manasquan Inlet early in the spring. Gathering close to the inlet and beaches early in the season and in the deeper water as the season progresses fluke are available all summer in close range from Point Pleasant Beach, N.J. Due to increased size limits over the past few years we have changed our techniques now targeting larger Fluke around deeper structure. Fishing with bucktails has become a customer favorite, putting many personal bests, limit catches and doormats on the deck of the Fish Monger. Check out our Bucktailing article and the photo gallery for more on the flatties. Read About Bucktailing For Big Fluke
318177943_580607740732918_7350166370360905842_n.jpgBlackfish (Tog) : Many of our customers Favorite species to target. Blackfish are some of the Hardest fish to catch and trying to master them is a great challenge and can be very addicting. We will put your party on productive Blackfish structure where these tricky and finicky creatures live. The Fish Monger is equipped with a custom two anchor system and hauler designed specifically for getting on the structure quickly and efficiently.  Read About Tog Fishing Tips and Tricks.
315079182_557480199712339_2495044724019770938_n.jpgStriper Fishing Charters : A true sport fish, Stripped Bass have been in good numbers in both the spring and fall in late years. Point Pleasant Beach and surrounding waters off the N.J. coast offers one the the best runs of Trophy Stripers on the East Coast. Live-Lining Bunker in May and June has produced countless trophy Striper in the 25-45 Lbs with a few even breaking the 50lb class. Nothing more exciting than seeing a striper expload on a live bait.
05842_n.jpgSea Bass Fishing Charters : If you are looking for a lot of action and an even better dinner bottom fishing from Point Pleasant Beach is for you. Many other hard fighting tasty bottom dwellers mix in with the seabass while bottom fishing. Many wrecks and artificial reefs are in close range from Point Pleasant Beach, N.J. making bottom fishing a family favorite. Seabassin is also great type of fishing for young children, a perfect way to get the kids introduced to Ocean Fishing
B221748368_10158679562538740_1038089216602204177_n.jpgluefish : are some are the hardest fighting fish in our inshore waters. Early in the spring and summer as well as late in the fall bluefish can be caught aboard The Fish Monger by jigging, trolling, and bait fishing. Due to all the bunker around bluefish have been close to Manasquan Inlet for a good chunk of the season the last few years. When the blues are further out, we will use our 20+ knot cruise to get your party to the chumming grounds. If you are looking for a good fight blue fishing is for you.
121373262_10158022721798740_4860393157804443137_n.jpgInshore Speedsters ( False Albacore, Bonito and Spanish Mackerel ) : Drag burning like tackle fishing at its finest... gathering on the inshore lumps during the late summer and early fall this trio of speedsters provide an excellent opportunity for some light tackle fun. Casting small artificial lures, free floating small baits, and light tackle trolling are the methods used to entice the mini-tunas.

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Fish Monger Charters © 2007- 2025 Capt. Jerry 732-688-0765
Southside Marina - 311 Channel Drive - Pt Pleasant Beach, NJ
Website By: NJ Outdoors Media